Costa Rica, fear, The Move

There is no such thing as a leap of faith.

March 23, 2015

Don’t ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive. – Harold Whitman


IMG_0522If there is such a thing as a leap of faith, right now we are in the air: legs dangling, hair flying, eyes wide, hoping for a soft place to land.

To be honest, a single leap of faith would be a lot easier than this.

Changing your life – really changing it – requires more than a single leap.

It actually requires leaping – a little or a lot – every single day.

This started with us making much smaller decisions to change our lives. We changed our diet when I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease. At the time, that was a leap.

That decision led to us eating better and better and better. Each time was a little leap.

When we first let in the little inkling of the dream of moving? For us at the time, that was a leap.

When we made the decision? Leap.

When I quit my job, when we told our families, when we bought the tickets? Leap, leap and leap.

When we began deciding what to take and what to get rid of? Lots of little leaps.

When we packed our crate, our house, our bags? Leaps.

In the moments when we looked at each other and said, “What the hell are we doing?” (Many, many, times.) Big leaps.

And tomorrow at 11.25 when we finally take off? Leap.

And they won’t stop – because every decision, every choice, every time we do anything that takes us out of our comfort zone – that’s another leap.

My point? That every day we have a choice to make: the easy way, or the way that will take us closer to what we want. Every difficult choice is a choice that will take you closer to another. Every one is a leap of faith.

Leaps are relative. And they never end. Each one leads to another.

You can’t rush the process or see the way they will lead you. You can’t see how they will work out or whether or not it was the right choice. You can’t wish things sooner or ever know the outcome.

All you can do is leap.







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