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A Year of Magical Eating

Magical Eating

April 30, 2018
beans at the market


“Eat food, not too much, mostly plants.” ~ Michael Pollan

Just about a year ago, I wrote a post about eating magically. Magic was and is at the heart of everything I do – why on earth wasn’t I also using that as a basis for how I was eating? Despite eating pretty well, I was experiencing a then 9-month long case of hives, and was at the end of my itchy rope. So I took my own advice, spending the past year paying very close attention to the Magic of what I ate and drank.

When I talk about eating Magically it sounds like I spend my days whipping up stardust and moonbeam smoothies while telling you the virtues of living my high-raw and therefore high-vibe life.

I don’t and I won’t do that. (And I’m not raw vegan. In fact, I am unclassifiable.)

I do admit that in the past I have been tempted by the wonder. I have seen articles about the glorious effects of drinking collagen and then gone to Amazon to see how much those little pots of goodness (it turns out they are made of whizzed up cows) were and then laughed at myself and wondered about the state of the world. I have stood in a bookstore and fondled the pages of a cookbook full of recipes for powders and sauces that all appear to have mystical powers, if you have the time and the life energy and the money to spend on all of that.

But when I stop myself and let myself breathe for a few moments (my rule: step away and think about it if it promises a miracle), I can see that not only does the Emperor have no clothes on, but that he/she is ageing and worried about her body just like I am.

For more than 30 years of my life, I struggled with food. I was home from school with ‘tummy aches’ a lot, and as I got older I felt just a little bit sick a lot of the time. I went to the doctor so often with lots of things. Luckily I lived in a country where I could do that. When, totally frustrated, I finally went to another doctor (after a brutal internal scope to check for ulcers) and said, “something’s still not right!”, and he said, “we’ll do a blood test to just rule out Celiac Disease,” my life changed.

Within months of not eating gluten, as my gut healed, I began to be able to eat fruit again. Despite years – years – of scarfing down vitamins, it was when I began to eat differently that I began to feel better.

But it was shopping for food that really shifted things.

When you are allergic to gluten, you have to read every single food label. Every one. And when you start to read what is going into your body, you begin to wonder what the heck all of that tetrahydrowhatisthatizine is doing in your food.

So slowly we began making small changes. When we could afford it, we’d choose organic fruits and vegetables. When something had too many ingredients to pronounce, we put it back on the shelf. We chose to make a few more things from scratch. We stopped eating things with ingredients that we knew were poison (MSG and high-fructose corn syrup were the first to go), and began to choose differently whenever we could.

None of this was complicated or expensive or unusual. It was simply a matter of choosing things that either were – or had the closest passing resemblance to – real food.

And with each choice, the next one seemed a little bit easier. We weren’t perfect, in fact as big food lovers we had lots of ridiculous conversations in the condiments aisle, and lots of nights of just buying whatever we wanted. But as the years went by, we began having less of that and more conscious choices.

And that was when we began to talk about changing our lives.

I don’t think that it was a coincidence that when we were eating more real food and less fake food we began to feel better.  I don’t think that it is a coincidence that as we healed our bodies, our thoughts went to wanting more. The more actual food we ate, the more we wanted to do more, see more, and create more.

Then I added Magic to the mix. And you know, the overwhelming feeling I had right from the beginning was relief and expansion.

Eating Magically is not about potions or powders or fads or capital W ‘wellness’. In my opinion that is simply another way to give our power and our connection to our Source away. It’s not about what to eat or what not to eat. It’s about coming at eating from an entirely new perspective.

Remember that in my definition, Magic is: the moments of connection between me and the Mystery/ Source/ the Divine. So then Eating Magically is about seeing the Divine, allowing the Wonder, and opening to the Universe in every bite. It’s about allowing food to remind us of who we are – instead of all of the the ways that we are not.

We were built to eat. We were built to need food. Isn’t it possible that the infinite wisdom that created us also created the nourishment we need in the forms we need it? And what if magical food does not have to be only for the people who can afford little pots of it, because all food is magical?

What if the food we eat is the foundation for every other interaction we have with the world?

What then?

with so much love,









When the Virgin Mary is on your front porch

August 8, 2016

I wish I could show you, when you are lonely or in the darkness, the astonishing light of your own being. – Hafiz


In every workshop or retreat I have taught at, every online group I have been part of, and every gathering of women, the question of deserving has always come up.

The more I think about it, the more I think that this is the biggest block to us following our dreams.

We think we don’t deserve them.

We believe that we aren’t good enough to deserve love/ good things/ magic/ miracles because of something that happened in our past, and it’s just being proven to us by our new belief in the Law of Attraction.

Because now if bad things happen, or good things don’t happen, not only do I not deserve it because I am somehow a bad person/ unlovable, I am also to blame because I didn’t believe or attract enough. It’s a double-dose of un-deserving.

So no matter what, we suck. It’s bloody exhausting, but we keep doing it – believing in our undeservingness – and beating ourselves to an emotional pulp. So let’s do an experiment and try something else for a minute, because, as Dr. Phil would say: ‘How’s that working for ya?’

When people talk to me about us moving here, they get a funny look in their eye and they tell me how brave or how lucky or even how crazy we are. Know what? We’re not. We are scared. We are freaking out. We look at each other and question our decision every single day. But we never questioned – not once – whether or not we deserved to want this.

Why? Because I choose to no longer believe in the concept of deserving. It definitely doesn’t make things easier, but it sure makes things better.

The change happened for me when I decided to play with believing in a benevolent universe. I started asking, ‘what if?’ What if I deserve to follow my dreams just because I am here? What if I am allowed to believe in miracles just because I got born? What if I am a deeply loved, held, and a tiny piece of the divine having a human experience?

What if there was actually no such thing as not deserving? What then?

Adding ‘what if’ to any thought makes it much more playful. You aren’t committing to the thought, you are just checking it out. Your brain begins to look for answers; for proof. It doesn’t like not knowing something. And as you let yourself play with what ifs, the world opens up and the what ifs get deeper, richer, and more powerful – until you find yourself asking, ‘what if we were to totally change our lives. What then?’

So what if the universe/ the divine/ God/ Goddess/ spirit/ or even the Virgin Mary was actually present in your life all of the time as a loving presence? What would you do differently? What if you and Mary had a standing date for tea and all she ever wanted to do was talk about how beloved you are; not because of something you did or didn’t do, and regardless of what was going on in your life. Would you look at her and tell her all of the ways it wasn’t true? Or would you believe her because – well – she’s the Virgin Mary? What if, just for a moment at a time, you played with believing that it was true?

So I’ll ask you again:

What if there was no such thing as not deserving? What then?


Heart & Hearth, sacred

Heart and Hearth

October 24, 2014

Groups run by women are our psychic turf; our place to discover who we are, or who we could become, as whole  independent beings. Somewhere in our lives, each of us needs a free place. A little psychic territory. Do you have yours? – Gloria Steinem ~ Outrageous Acts and Everyday Rebellions


This year has taught me about the true power of intention. Not – ‘I want a red bicycle’ from The Secret – intention, but pure ‘this is how I want to feel’ intention.

A little over a year ago, I stood beside the fire at our first Redfox retreat. I had spent the days before marvelling at how much of our intention that the retreat be nourishing and nurturing had come true. I also knew as deep in my bones as knowing goes, that I was where I was supposed to be. Retreats. Women’s circles. Gatherings. My soul was singing to me as clear as could be.

But then I got scared. Really scared. Sometimes when you see the power of an intention coming true – when you prove to yourself that magic is real – then the safest thing to do is run as fast as you can back to your smallness. My Big Dream was way too big and scary for me to believe in.

But as I stood beside the fire and watched the faces of the other women, I stepped forward and called in movement. I called in deep, real change. (More on the outcome of that next week!) And I felt a shock of energy hit me. The power of real, honest intention held by a circle of women was actually electric. I remember looking across the circle of light and catching Sas‘ eye and feeling so rooted in the magic of intention and friendship, I wished every women could know – as I knew in that moment – that they are more powerful than they can possibly imagine.

But it all started with intention and a circle of women. 

So a few weeks ago when Sas and I were talking late one night about dreams and the sacred and magic, we conjured another circle. We wanted more women to feel what we felt as we circled together. We wanted to bring together some of the most heart-full women we could be brave enough to ask, and have them join us by the fire. We wanted to bring light and peace to the time before the holidays. We wanted to give women a series of precious gifts that they could open again and again, whenever they needed to – with absolutely nothing to do in return. We wanted to bring the sacred back to a time when pulling off the perfect Christmas seems to be more important than the return of the light.

And with that intention, Heart and Hearth was born. And amazing women from all over the world said yes, they would love to participate. And incredible women all over the world are signing up to join us. I hope you will too.
