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Cahoots, Magic


April 12, 2017


in cahoots you do not have to be good


The dictionary definition of cahoots is: colluding or conspiring together secretly.

My own definition of being In Cahoots is: secretly conspiring with the Universe.

Being In Cahoots is about learning how to actively participate in all that is the adventure of your life. And it is an invitation to play with the fact that you are – in fact – a piece of the divine, having a human experience.

So many of us talk about feeling out-of-sorts, ashamed, unbalanced, unhappy, lost, lonely, frustrated, powerless, held back, or even afraid on a regular basis.

So many of us feel like an imposter, like at any moment we are going to be found out for our big fat lie. We are trying so hard to be better, to be a light, to change our lives, and yet we still ache.

We never seem to get… there.

Being In Cahoots is about reclaiming our power and our connection with what matters. It is about realising that the ‘there’ we are looking for is actually a completely fictional destination.

This isn’t to say that all of it is going to be glitter and champagne cocktails at sunset. Shit, as they say, happens. But I firmly believe that the only power we have in any moment is choice. In every moment the power lies in how you are going to react to whatever is happening.

Being In Cahoots is about making better choices. It’s about learning how to stop chasing and start creating. It’s about a sparkle in your eye and a spring in your step. It’s about the magic of knowing that you are totally supported.

It’s about cultivating your powers of wonder and curiosity and love and then living from there. Every day.

It’s about playing with the Universe.

Do you want to play?




When the Virgin Mary is on your front porch

August 8, 2016

I wish I could show you, when you are lonely or in the darkness, the astonishing light of your own being. – Hafiz


In every workshop or retreat I have taught at, every online group I have been part of, and every gathering of women, the question of deserving has always come up.

The more I think about it, the more I think that this is the biggest block to us following our dreams.

We think we don’t deserve them.

We believe that we aren’t good enough to deserve love/ good things/ magic/ miracles because of something that happened in our past, and it’s just being proven to us by our new belief in the Law of Attraction.

Because now if bad things happen, or good things don’t happen, not only do I not deserve it because I am somehow a bad person/ unlovable, I am also to blame because I didn’t believe or attract enough. It’s a double-dose of un-deserving.

So no matter what, we suck. It’s bloody exhausting, but we keep doing it – believing in our undeservingness – and beating ourselves to an emotional pulp. So let’s do an experiment and try something else for a minute, because, as Dr. Phil would say: ‘How’s that working for ya?’

When people talk to me about us moving here, they get a funny look in their eye and they tell me how brave or how lucky or even how crazy we are. Know what? We’re not. We are scared. We are freaking out. We look at each other and question our decision every single day. But we never questioned – not once – whether or not we deserved to want this.

Why? Because I choose to no longer believe in the concept of deserving. It definitely doesn’t make things easier, but it sure makes things better.

The change happened for me when I decided to play with believing in a benevolent universe. I started asking, ‘what if?’ What if I deserve to follow my dreams just because I am here? What if I am allowed to believe in miracles just because I got born? What if I am a deeply loved, held, and a tiny piece of the divine having a human experience?

What if there was actually no such thing as not deserving? What then?

Adding ‘what if’ to any thought makes it much more playful. You aren’t committing to the thought, you are just checking it out. Your brain begins to look for answers; for proof. It doesn’t like not knowing something. And as you let yourself play with what ifs, the world opens up and the what ifs get deeper, richer, and more powerful – until you find yourself asking, ‘what if we were to totally change our lives. What then?’

So what if the universe/ the divine/ God/ Goddess/ spirit/ or even the Virgin Mary was actually present in your life all of the time as a loving presence? What would you do differently? What if you and Mary had a standing date for tea and all she ever wanted to do was talk about how beloved you are; not because of something you did or didn’t do, and regardless of what was going on in your life. Would you look at her and tell her all of the ways it wasn’t true? Or would you believe her because – well – she’s the Virgin Mary? What if, just for a moment at a time, you played with believing that it was true?

So I’ll ask you again:

What if there was no such thing as not deserving? What then?


Costa Rica

A World Beyond Our Imagination

March 24, 2015

Maybe the journey isn’t so much about becoming anything. Maybe it’s about unbecoming everything that isn’t you so you can be who you were meant to be in the first place. — Unknown


meg leapThree years ago I created this page in my vision journal. I knew I wanted adventure and to make big changes in my life. I had no idea what that meant or what it would look like. I just knew that this picture and this quote spoke to something deep in my soul.

Today we get on a plane for our Costa Rican adventure!

Anxious, nervous, terrified, slightly ill, sleepless, excited, overwhelmed -I don’t really have the right word to describe how I am feeling right now. In the past 24 hours, I have repeatedly forgotten to breathe. Those emotions are not included on that vision page, but they are definitely a part of this.

I’ve been really aware of not complaining or stressing about this move. It’s our choice. It’s an incredible opportunity. It’s amazing that we even have this ability to choose…

…but oh. my. goodness I am scared.

If you have time today, I’d really appreciate a happy thought.

with love,

