fire, The Seeker

My Own Fire

August 4, 2013

“In ancient times, the main purpose of nightly Council Fires was to learn how to listen.” – Jamie Sams & Twylah Nitsch


Campfire by Don GengeSomewhere along the line and at some point in the past few years, I got lost. Looking around for a steady place to stand, I found only other people’s ideas of what life should be like.

Over the past few months it has come to me very clearly:

I am living someone else’s dream life.

I have mostly done what I should do. Even though I have misbehaved along the way, I still ended up in a place where I can’t see my own reflection.

I have stuff I don’t need. I fight battles that do not matter. I am weighed down by unexpressed longings and unwritten words.

I don’t care about things that other people seem to believe in. I don’t long for the latest anything.

This is not a sad story,

This is my declaration of independence.

I have lit my own council fire, but it is a council of only one.

Through the flames I will look into my own eyes

And know my place.




Photograph by Don Genge 

Note: This is a re-publish of a post that was lost during my recent web difficulties. The good news is I’m finally back on line!

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  • hula~la August 4, 2013 at 6:23 pm

    Glad to have you back! I’ve been to where you were when you wrote that post…I am now found! And I am enjoying this new pathway that my soul has been awakened to! Yes, the universe is having a conversation with me, and it is quite beautiful!

  • Catalina September 13, 2013 at 2:55 pm

    Love this! have told some things close to this to my myself at different moments in life and is always an awaking moment.
    “I’m living someone else’s dream life” is a very interesting way of looking at.
    Thanks from sharing.
    (Coming from Susannah’s Journal your Life)

  • Jane September 22, 2013 at 3:06 pm

    beautifully said! I can relate!

  • Janet January 23, 2014 at 9:16 pm

    Wow Meghan what a beautiful writer you have turned out to be, and the photo by your dad takes me back to my Quin-Mo-Lac days that’s where a seed of my declaration of independence started Well done! Tell your Dad & Mom & Jim & Glen that Squid says hi!!!