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A Wild (not so) New Path

February 2, 2016

“How the hell did you get where you are? By making your way, as best you could, through a maze of social pressures that were often destructive to your true nature. What the hell should you do now? Find a new way. A better way. Your way. The unknown, uncharted path through this wild new world that allows you – yourself, in your uniqueness – to reclaim the full measure of your true nature.” – Martha Beck


Until this morning, I had lost the path. Trying to create the life of my dreams while also creating a life worthy of other people’s attention has been sending me off in wrong direction after wrong direction. As my savings dwindled, I wondered how to make this life of mine pay.

Wait. Stop. Make my life PAY? Like it’s some sort of movie villain?

Who thought that one up?

No wonder I am so far off course.

Stop. Course correction. Return to the last warm track.

Magic. Miracles. Mystery. Stories. Connection. Creativity. Wonder. Divinity. Delight. Trees. 

Follow those tracks – where do they lead?

They lead to the little girl whose whole world was trees and nature and family and community and total, unapologetic, unabashed creativity. Her world was full of stories and songs and rocks and wonderful people and trees and costumes and crafts and magical moments. She was also fierce and stubborn and rebellious and very loved.

My true nature is the little imp in the photographs who smiled and played and adored and was always connected to a person, place or thing she loved.

My true nature is magical connection.

I don’t need to worry about anything as long as I remember that  – and surrender to the Magic.

Now I can focus on how I can play with my life instead of how it has to pay.

That feels an awful lot like freedom.

And just like that, I’m back on the path.

Jamie and Meghan





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