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Costa Rica

Back to the Land, Costa Rica

The Jungle vs Sleeping Beauty

January 12, 2016

“Are you the sort of person who can turn around when you have nothing left, and find that little bit extra inside you to keep going, or do you sag and wilt with exhaustion? It is a mental game, and it is hard to tell how people will react until they are squeezed.” ― Bear Grylls


Friday morning: I am walking across a beautiful grassy clearing, carrying an armful of limes that I picked from our very own lime tree. In front of me I see a group of butterflies playing in the sunshine, so I stop and watch them. They

fly towards me and for a moment I am surrounded by more than a dozen butterflies. They fly in circles around me, swirling up and around from my bottom to to my top, and then they were gone.

Yes, I get that this sounds ridiculous, but for a moment, I hilariously felt a bit like a Disney princess being greeted by her new land.

Wait for it.

Friday afternoon: We set off to have a ‘proper’ explore of our land. We’ve had a snack and are carrying what we think is enough water. I am wearing rubber boots (to protect me from the snakes) and (thank God) long legged pants for the first time since arriving in Costa Rica nearly 11 months ago.  Although I have a brand spanking new machete, we decide to leave it in the clearing since most of the places we are going are fairly clear, and my husband (quite rightly) doesn’t want me cutting something important off of myself.

A nice little adventure? Not so much.

glade meghan genge

First of all, it turns out that rubber boots suck. If I had had another footwear option with me, I would have had a Cheryl Strayed moment and pitched the damn things off of the edge of the ravine. Sweaty feet + no socks + downhill climbing = squashed toes, slipping, and zero – ZERO – ability to know where my feet were going to end up in any given moment. At one point I turned around and walked backwards to give my toes a break from being battered.

Apart from my feet, it was all going very well until we got to the end of one of the overgrown but previously cleared trails and realised that we either had to turn back or clear a path through the jungle to the river, (which he had done previously when he walked the land with our real estate agent. They then walked along the river to get out. Easy).


So we (he) had to machete our way through dense jungle on a downward slope towards the river. I travelled by slipping from thing he cut down to thing he cut down in order to find a secure footing. At one point as I was clinging to a bit of vine to keep from taking us both out, my darling foodie stops, wipes the sweat from his brow and says, “I think that’s ginger! I can smell ginger.” Bless.

So when we got to the edge of the ravine we found that we were in a different place than he had come out before, and no matter where we tried to go down, the way was just too steep and slippery. I – clever me – found a place that seemed a little less steep than the rest and suggested that we try it. Within one step my rubber boot slipped out from under me and I slid half-way down the hill on my backside. When I looked up at him he – always the calm Brit – said, “maybe we should go another way, can you come back up?”

Didn’t happen. Despite trying my best, I pretty much went the rest of the way down on my ass.

It was at this point that we finished our drinking water.

river meghan genge costa ricaThe river, my friends, is glorious. It’s made up entirely of cascades and rapids and beautiful pools that would be wonderful to swim in when the water is a little higher. It’s truly beautiful. Some of the trees are still primary rainforest trees, so big I couldn’t put my arms around them. It’s magic, pure and simple.

But it wasn’t an ‘easy’ walk.

As it turns out, during the last rainy season, several of the big old trees lost their footing and fell over the ravine into and across the river, almost completely blocking it. We had to scrabble, climb, scale and cave our way through several of them. There was no other way up or out, there was only through. What would have been a twenty minute final bit of the walk was over two hours of extremely hard work – in 90+ degree weather, with no water and no food. It was not good. Not good at all.

I’ve run a half-marathon. This felt worse. We were properly, scarily dehydrated. (And yes, we know now that we probably should have drunk the river water. But we were no longer thinking clearly enough to weigh up the risks.)

Luckily between us we had enough forethought to have bananas, water and a coconut waiting for us when we finally climbed up the bank into the clearing. I have never tasted anything better than that coconut.

I don’t know where all of this is going to go. I don’t know how the story turns out. But I do know that in just one day together the land both welcomed us with its magic and reminded us that it requires respect. I know that I have never been physically closer to my edge than I was on Friday. And I know that I couldn’t wait to get back there today.

I also know that this new life, this land, these plans will not let me get away with being half there. I have to be all in. Prepared. Hydrated. Ready for anything. Awake and participating fully.

Sleeping Beauty just isn’t going to cut it anymore.

This made me think of all of the ways I have not been awake, prepared, or otherwise fully participating in my life. It makes me laugh that it took a river and some trees – it’s often trees – to wake me up.

I can’t wait to see what else this land has to teach me.




Costa Rica, Holy Yes

Pure Life

June 19, 2015
Dominical Surf

Dominical Costa Rica Meghan Genge


After an overwhelming beginning, in the past few weeks we have begun to emerge from our cave. And just like everything else in Costa Rica, when we opened up a little, life rushed up to meet us. Opportunities appeared and magic happened. We’ve been house hunting and property hunting and meeting builders and retreat planning, and that’s only a partial list!

One of the many lessons that this time in Costa Rica has taught me is that the use of our time is a choice. It would be really easy to sit here, margarita in hand, and waste our days.

But we wanted to make a life that we never needed a holiday from, not a life that was a perpetual holiday. And whether that happens or not is completely up to us.

Having no stuff, no television, a slightly uncomfortable house and no social life has really meant that we’ve been faced with ourselves. And I have had to decide who I want to be and how I want to spend my time. And it has become very clear.

What I want to do is write ~ for you. I want to write stories and blog posts that come straight from my heart. I want to focus on the magical and the whimsical and the Pura Vida – the Pure Life – that we are a part of, no matter where we live or what we are doing. It’s what I know for sure: that life is happening in every single moment, and that the magic is there if we choose to see it.

So as with all of the other things in my life, changes are afoot here. Look for a new website, more stories and my very-soon-to-be-announced ‘The Holy Yes’ retreat, hopefully happening in Costa Rica in November.

In the meantime we’ll be in Canada soaking up time with family, eating baked goods until we can’t eat any more (we’ve only had two gas burners for the past three months. My husband has gone into serious oven withdrawal), and dreaming of the next phase of this adventure.

As always, sending you so much love,






P.S. If you are interested in knowing more about my upcoming retreat, just send me an email. I’d love to tell you about what I am cooking up.

Alignment, Costa Rica, light

Living in a Land of Butterflies and Pancakes

June 4, 2015

“If the only prayer you say in your whole life is ‘thank you,’ that would suffice.”  ~ Meister Eckhart


pancakes meghan gengeThe day-before-yesterday wasn’t fun. Well, it started out fun, but in the middle it was truly disgusting and smelly and darn right mouldy.

But I’m not going to tell you that story.

Some days here have been easier than others. There have been lots of non-human house invaders, personal challenges, and even a week of gastroenteritis. (For two people and one bathroom without walls, that was a real adventure!)

But I’m not going to tell you that story either.

We have left the known and landed in a world of the unknown. Every day something requires us to pay attention. And you know, it would be so easy to get lost in the hard.

I know someone who is lost in the hard. They believe that life is hard, that it is never going to go their way, and that the universe is out to get them. I know they believe this because they say it all out loud every single time I talk to them. They have said it so much that they actually can’t see all of the blessings that are in their life.

That is their story.

In the past when I have been focusing on the positive, the light, or the hope, I have attracted people who seemed to think that it would help me if they gave me ‘practical’ advice. They have seen my choice to see the positive side as proof that I am being naive or that I haven’t thought things through. They have felt the need to manage my expectations, or tell me the facts, or in some way bring me back to reality.

The reality is that I am now a fully-fledged grown-up. A grown-up who has a choice.

The day-before-yesterday wasn’t fun. But yesterday was.

Let me tell you that story!

Yesterday started with home-made chocolate chip pancakes. Yesterday held a two-hour laugh-filled conversation over the magical waves with a soul-sister. Yesterday had a storm that shook our house, and a hummingbird that hovered just outside of our window, staring at us eye-to-eye for a full minute. Yesterday held howler monkeys and the smell of a damp tropical jungle. Yesterday had butterflies.

I may not tell you the whole story about our life here, but I will tell you the story of our magical adventure. Because I believe that the more I tell any story, the truer it becomes.

So please don’t think I don’t see the mould or the dark or the hard, because believe me, I do. But when it comes down to it, we all have a choice in what story we tell. You can choose to see whatever you want to see. And my practice – every day – is in choosing to find the blessings.

So yes, it is sunny in my world. It’s rainy too. And it’s magical and intense and my ability to wonder is going into overdrive.

In my story, I live in a land of butterflies and pancakes.

And I’m good with that.
